3 min read

Reconsidering What We Held Sacred

28/05/2020 9:59:00 AM

We are being asked to consider and reconsider everything we know and everything we do. Everything that is familiar to us. Everything that we have woven into our lives and perhaps held sacred.


What do we know for sure? That uncertainty is constant. What we observe one day can disappear, flip or surprise us the next. 


Yet could it be that a Middle Ground is emerging? 


Coronavirus cut the red tape on Telehealth when it was thrust at medical practices as a way of ensuring access to primary health services. It was on its way, but the pandemic meant we got it at warp speed.


Education has been nudged, like a reluctant child, towards going online for years. Whilst private institutions have embraced the concept and have created thriving platforms, the mainstream education sphere has largely resisted. It's a time consuming process and time is something that most educators lack. Then along comes COVID-19 and there is little choice. 


As for work spaces, it is anticipated that up to 20% of the workforce enjoy working from home and will continue to do so. I was speaking with a CEO of a large corporate recently who advised that they would be giving up 2 of their 8 floors of office space in a move to be more flexible with remote working opportunities.  Generation Z and Millennials however, can't wait to get back to the office and connect with their colleagues.


What will be the first and second order consequences of these changes? 


As restrictions are lifted, it's a good time to consider what we have learned whilst we have been in lockdown, and to consider how we want to set our priorities into the future. Family time? Egalitarian societies? Reading time? Climate action? Appreciation of nature?


How will we reset our lifestyles?


Some lessons are life changing. This is one of them. Take action to remember this period of time. Write a journal, create a vision board, make a video - anything to remind you that when we were given an opportunity to contemplate and reconsider how we were living our lives, this is what was important to you.


Reconsidering What We Held SacredAt SingularityU Australia we exist at the interaction of the Values of Humanity and the Value of Technology. What are the values that we collectively hold dear for humanity? What is the value that technology can now bring? And how does your voice add to the impact we can make on the planet?


As we enter the next phase of history, be kind, be patient and add your energy to creating #AFutureByDesign. 
