Brad Milliken

Enabling the evolution of business for future generations


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Brad believes the future of our work, play and prosperity can be cultivated in the services we develop using modern technology

Brad leads the Deloitte Digital Platforms business unit in Australia comprising a team of 200+ people who deliver front office transformation, 24/7 managed services and digital products. A key part of his role is helping boards and executives understand emerging technologies and how they might be applied to their organisation or industry.
Over the last 14 years Brad has worked with a number of organisations on their digital transformation programmes including: BBC, ITV, British Telecom, Radio Television Hong Kong, EA Games, RACQ, Flight Centre, QBE, AGA, Queensland Super, Virgin and BG group to name a few.
Brad is passionate about developing the leaders of the future; growing individuals that have the personal strength and desire to push the boundaries of what is currently possible, generate opportunities for a better society and encourage positivity in the people around them.

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