Program Overview
This program will empower you to scale in fast-growth mode. It is suitable for founders and organisations who have established revenue and a full-time team, and who are seeking exponential growth in revenue and sales.
These teams are possibly looking to scale offshore and have a clear strategic objective to add another zero to the P&L and to their revenue targets.
Program Deliverables
This is a 12-month, intensive, peer to peer program including compulsory accountability forums with like-minded founders and ventures in similar growth stages.
This course is online supported by strong content and learning management systems. We combine face to face and virtual workshops, using blended flip learning techniques.
Learning Content:
- Onboard Scaling Up
- The Entrepreneurial Operating Systems Frameworks
- Access to domain experts to develop excellence
- Sales and Marketing lead generation, lead conversation systems and best practice
- Strategic planning and execution
- Developing high performance culture
- Leadership and developing management teams
- Embedding an innovation culture and ways to capture and protect IP
- Founder health and balance to ensure health and wellness
- Personal and business growth
Still have questions?
Contact the WAVIA Australia Impact Lab team